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Save my Marriage - Communicate

How do I 'save my marriage' is becoming such a regular question it's frightening.

Did you know that the biggest single reason for couples breaking up is poor communication!!! Many people find it difficult to express their opinions, ideas and feelings in a way that their partner understands. Research shows that many marriages, that have ended up in divorce, could have been saved if the couples had learnt the art of positive communication.

How many times do you see people yelling at each other one minute and all over each other the next? Have you ever wondered why that happens? Well, it's all down to the way we communicate. In so many cases the answer to how do i 'save my marriage' is pure and simple -  communicate. Most of us assume that our partner will understand what we are saying or see something from our perspective just because we are married, which is clearly not the case. Sometimes we misunderstand for just a short period of time, hence the yelling one minute, the switching on the light bulb as we calm down and the making up the next.

Sometimes mis-communication lasts longer and sometimes it gets to the point from which couples incorrectly believe there is no return.

It's amazing how many couples just break up over issues that could have been resolved if they had only opened the lines of communication and worked towards a solution. Some couples don't even try and others don't know how.

Save my Marriage cont...


Communication Magic
The Amazing Formula for Communicating Straight from the Heart

Save Your Marriage 
Put an End to the Stress, Discover Proven Methods and Save your Marriage Today

10 Undeniable Marriage Needs

A proven system that anyone can use to revitalise their marriage even if they are the only one trying





Author: Terry Ross




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