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Affair or not an Affair, Infidelity Warning Signs


Is my partner having an affair or not?


Generally the cheated partner starts to get uneasy through a vague feeling that something isn’t quite right. So often it is really hard for them to put a finger on it but they just have a gut feeling, a growing feeling of uneasiness, possibly generated from a casual comment, the odd incident or a slight change in their partner’s behaviour. Just call it intuition.


One of the big giveaways, key infidelity warning signs , is a change in working patterns, a sudden need to start working late, business trips, and unusual desire to get fit. It often starts with just a slight change in behaviour, nothing too obvious but once the cheater becomes more attuned and even comfortable with their actions the need to be out of the house will increase and what could have initially started as a casual fling all too easily develops into a full flung affair. 


The first infidelity warning signs are seldom the most obvious like lipstick on the collar. They're usually much more subtle, just slight changes in a partner's behaviour, a general sense that something has changed.


Your partner may seem more distant, preoccupied with their job or other outside interests, disinterested in you sexually, more remote or unwilling to talk to you. They may become less interested in family issues, unwilling to get involved in activities or just less attentive towards you. You might see a sudden interest in their appearance, a desire to loose weight or an unusual interest in fashion. There may be unusual absences from home, perhaps their mobile is turned off when you ring or they may become distant and discontented.


The list for signs of infidelity is endless and it can be so easy to attribute a totally innocent change in your partner’s behaviour to them having an affair. Changes often initially thought to be infidelity warning signs, can also be attributable to stress at work, financial concerns or other issues such as age, health or the desire for some kind of change in routine. That is why it is so hard in those early stages not to jump to any conclusions and automatically assume that your partner is having an affair when no such affair exists.


But even if there has been a great deal of change in your partner’s behaviour it does not automatically signal an affair but it does indicate a need to communicate.


Don't jump to any conclusions, make sure you establish the facts, catch the cheating spouse before saying something you may regret.



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