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Want Marriage Advice? Lack of Trust takes you One Step Further Away


Lack of trust often ends in ultimatums that should not be made and are often impossible to stick to. For example a person might ban their partner from ever seeing people with whom they have had a previous relationship. Obviously that’s sometimes easier said than done. It may include someone they work with, see at the gym or who lives close by so they are likely to bump into them in the street. Life isn’t so black and white and when there is a little bit of grey the best marriage advice I can give is that you need to learn to meet each other half way. It’s far better if couples can be open an honest with each other and not be afraid to tell their partner they have seen someone from a previous relationship. Ultimatums of ‘you better not see or speak to xxx again or else we are finished’ just lead to frustration and resentment and are far more likely to encourage someone into the arms of a previous partner or someone new rather than save your marriage.

If you have a reason to distrust your partner then you need to understand where that mistrust stems from, work out what action you feel you need to take to control the mistrust and then, when you have your thoughts clear in your head, discuss the issue with your partner. That isn’t to say that you are going to place an ultimatum on the table, you just need to get your thoughts and fears straight in your head before you can have a rational and constructive conversation with your partner.

Remember, most situations can be resolved and jealousy in a marriage can be controlled. With a little bit of effort from both sides and the right marriage advice the relationship will work, just think before you act:

· If you are jealous of your partner learn to communicate your fears, explain how you believe, with your partners help those fears can be controlled.

· If your partner is jealous of you, speak to them, ask them to explain what controls the fear and discuss ways in which that fear can be controlled.

Controlling the fear of loosing your partner, which is what drives a jealous rage, can be done and you can save your marriage by doing simple things like:

·  Always telling your partner when you have seen your ex.

·  Letting your partner know when you are likely to be home and if you are running late just pick up the phone if possible.

·  Sharing interests, doing things together.

·  Establishing the facts before launching into an argument.

·  Understanding when what you are asking or are being asked to do is impossible, admitting the fact and finding a compromise.

If you don’t feel that this article has addressed your particular issue and you want a complete marriage advice guide on how to save your marriage, or how to seduce your man, keep you woman, catch a cheating spouse or lovemaking tips, follow the links.

Author: Terry Ross

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