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Your DeathBed is all too close, Don't have Regrets, Help Save your Marriage Today 

Save your Marriage cont...

I worked with a guy once who believed that women should be no more than secretaries, if they worked at all, and that whenever he went home be it morning, lunch or night his meal should be ready and waiting!! He needed some lessons from the Jerk.....

Of course, times have changed, although that last example wasn’t so long ago, and it is widely accepted that we no longer have to remain in relationships that are not working or if we don’t feel like it.

Marriage is no longer sacred to be clung on to no matter what but the disappointing change is that things have gone too far the other way with people giving up on relationships without a fight.

I think the lesson we need to learn is that marriage is sacred but not at any cost. Life is very short and the grass is rarely greener on the other side. Always appreciate what you have got rather than setting your sites on a fairy tale.

Marriage is a two way street, it’s all about give and take. Marriage is a changing target, like life, it is continually evolving and the ground rules keep changing but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn to change with it.

If you imagine the workplace the flexible workers, those who are prepared to learn and adapt to new processes and new ways of working are usually the ones who are successful.

Marriage is the same. The most successful marriages are where partners learn to accept that times change, life doesn’t stand still and if you want to get the best out of your relationship you need to adapt and move with the times.

Don't wait, if you believe your relationship is worth saving, act now and help save your marriage.

Author: Terry Ross

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